The Longton Dog Pound is located behind the city shop. The City has been inspected and licensed by the Kansas Animal Health Department.
Schedule of fines for allowing dog to run at large:
1st time - up to $100
2nd time - up to $250
3rd time - up to $500
- It is unlawful to allow your dog(s) to run at large.
- Any dog over six months of age must be registered with the City.
- Registration period is from January 1 through December 31 of each year.
- The annual registration fee is $4 (spayed/neutered) and $6 (spayed/neutered) for each dog
- The fee shall be payable before March 1 of each year without penalty. Penalty fee is $15 for each dog.
- You must show a current immunization certificate for rabies to register dog.
- Upon registration, you will receive a dog tag with a number assigned to your dog. This must be attached to your dog's collar.
- If tag is lost, you may request another tag.
- Visiting dogs(30 days or less) do not need to be registered with the city.
- If your dog is found running at large, it may be impounded by the city. The city will attempt to contact you via phone &/or flyers posted at local businesses
- City Ordinance relating to dog registration