Wastewater Operator

Bonnie Foged
May 2020 - Present

Longton Wastewater Facility

Longton owns and operates a three (3) cell wastewater stabilization lagoon system and is authorized to discharge from the wastewater lagoon system in accordance with effluent limitations and monitoring requirements.
The Lagoon System has a total surface area = 4.8 acres.  The North cell = 2.3 acres, with 3,314,000 gallons capacity, the West cell = 1.5 acres, with 2,130,000 gallons capacity and the East cell = 1.0 acres, with 1,380,000 gallons capacity.  The design flow allows 56,600 gallons per day.

The Wastewater lagoon is closed to the public.

Sewer Rates

The monthly sewer rates for residential and commercial is a flat fee of $26.00.  Sewer charges are included on your monthly utility bill from City of Longton.